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[News] A Look at PCLinuxOS Gnome 2010 Replacing Windows on a Notebook

  • Subject: [News] A Look at PCLinuxOS Gnome 2010 Replacing Windows on a Notebook
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 23:20:15 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

PCLinuxOS Gnome 2010 on ACER ASPIRE 4730ZG

,----[ Quote ]
| My friend ask to me to install linux to his 
| notebook. And i install it with pclinuxos 2010 my 
| custom remastered. The notebook is Acer Aspire 
| 4730 ZG. This is the specification of Acer Aspire 
| 4730 ZG (look at this pic).



Review: PCLinuxOS 2010 Gnome â With Screenshots, Other New Releases

,----[ Quote ]
| I know I said I would review Xubuntu next,
| and keep PCLOS Gnome for the July edition
| of SaGeek MAG, but I wanted something other
| than a Gnome Distro to review for the MAG,
| and I only had the 10.04 RC available of
| Xubuntu, not the final release. Hence PCLOS
| 2010 Gnome it is for tonights review.
| Well how did it perform?
| [...]
| PCLinuxOS is good, but not good enough. The
| Gnome edition especially needs some sanding
| on the edges, and then some polish on top
| of that. I would recommend the KDE edition
| over the Gnome edition any day, but as far
| as Gnome based distros goes it loses out to
| some really serious competitors, and this
| is reflected in my comparative scoring.
| There are many little touches that give me
| hope for the future of PCLOS, help menus,
| auto installer for OpenOffice â little
| things that might just make this the next
| best Gnome distro to arrive. Right now it
| just falls short of Ubuntuâs 3/5 Q-rating.


PCLinuxOS 2010.1 KDE4

,----[ Quote ]
| PCLinuxOS 2010.1 KDE4 is a rock solid distro
| - just in my case I had a problem with the
| LiveCD, but not with the installed version -
| which offers a KDE4 DE tailored to newcomers
| and KDE-geeks alike.


PCLinuxOS improving its community

,----[ Quote ]
| We have loads of websites, reviews and blogs about how "radically simple"
| PCLinuxOS is.


PCLinuxOS - the new Number One distribution

,----[ Quote ]
| PCLinuxOS As many of you noticed, PCLinuxOS has overtaken Ubuntu in our Page
| Hit Ranking statistics and is currently occupying the top spot on the default
| 6-month view for the first time.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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