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[News] [Rival] Bill Gates Slammed for Taking Control of Schools With Microsoft

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Bill Gates Slammed for Taking Control of Schools With Microsoft
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 22:34:10 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Obama's Right-Wing School Reform

,----[ Quote ]
| My sense is that it has a lot to do with 
| the administrationâs connections to the 
| Gates Foundation and the Broad Foundation. 
| Although both are usually portrayed as 
| liberal or at least Democratic, their 
| funding priorities have merged with those 
| of the very conservative Walton Family 
| Foundation. I explain this curious power 
| elite in a chapter of my book called âThe 
| Billionaire Boys Club.â


How time changes things

,----[ Quote ]
| And at one point the school received a 
| major donation from the Gates Foundation, 
| because a savvy parent who discovered that 
| Bill Gates had attended View Ridge many 
| years ago, and had used that as the basis 
| for a successful appeal for a sizeable 
| grant.  Teachers and parents were working 
| together to make a better school.  Things 
| were good, G-O-O-D,  good. HUNH!!!


Gates grant provides a boost to Hillsborough's teacher recruitment

,----[ Quote ]
| District officials say their $100 million 
| Gates grant also is helping them figure 
| out which places â education schools, 
| states, or even regions â produce their 
| most effective teachers.
| [...]
| Thanks to the Gates money, statistician 
| James Goode will now work full time to 
| analyze the performance of such new hires.


Strings attached:

Hillsborough schools considering two Gates grant hires


It has a codename now, "Empowering Effective Teachers".

Pittsburgh Teachers, Schools Hail 5-Year Contract

,----[ Quote ]
| Called Empowering Effective Teachers, the 
| plan was the basis for a proposal made 
| last year to the Bill and Melinda Gates 
| Foundation. The foundation approved the 
| plan and has given the district $40 
| million for efforts to improve teacher 
| quality.
| The district and union worked on the Gates 
| proposal together, and rolled that into 
| contract talks.


Public officials to discuss educational standards  

,----[ Quote ]
| The Council of State Governments is 
| assisting the effort, with financial 
| support from the Bill & Melinda Gates 
| Foundation.


Major Foundation Gets Set to Open a Charter School

,----[ Quote ]
| While other major philanthropies, such as 
| the Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates 
| Foundation and the Walton Family 
| Foundation of Bentonville, Ark., have 
| given millions of dollars to charter 
| schools, it is believed that the Kauffman 
| Foundation is the largest and most 
| prominent private foundation to have 
| decided to run its own charter school. And 
| though other organizations with 
| âfoundationâ in their names have started 
| charter schools, staff members from 
| national charter school organizations and 
| philanthropic organizations couldnât point 
| to any that are grantmaking foundations, 
| as is the Kauffman Foundation.


Microsoft 'School of the Future' in Philly finally in a groove?

,----[ Quote ]
| When the Microsoft-designed School of the 
| Future opened, the facility was a paragon 
| of contemporary architecture, with a green 
| roof, light-filled corridors and the 
| latest classroom technology, all housed in 
| a dazzling white modern building.
| It might as well have been a fishbowl: 
| Educators and media from around the world 
| watched to see whether Microsoft could 
| reform public education through innovation 
| and technology.


First class graduates from 'School of the Future'


Microsoft High School's First Graduating Class Has a Bright Future


Microsoft High Schoolâs First Graduating Class Has a Bright Future


What could possibly go wrong?

Microsoft's Philly high school traveled rocky road

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's liaison to the school, Mary 
| Cullinane, says the school has overcome 
| its early challenges.


Top Microsoft executive shares company views on state issues

,----[ Quote ]
| Education, livability, and economic ties 
| with Asia will determine the long-term 
| success of Washington, according to 
| Microsoft's top public-policy man.


Move aside, Department of Education. Bill and Microsoft will take it from here.


PPS and the philanthro-capitalists

,----[ Quote ]
| The free market approach to enrollment and
| funding is a demonstrable failure in
| Portland, when measured by access to
| educational opportunity. Unless the
| district is willing to significantly reduce
| opportunity for the white middle class,
| thereâs no way they can pay for equity of
| opportunity without balancing enrollment,
| that is, by curtailing school choice. This
| is a significant element of the high school
| plan. With it, the district appears to be
| forging a path independent of current
| trends pushed by Gates, at least for high
| schools.
| But the district appears unwilling to apply
| the same lesson to middle grades.
| Sara Allanâs contention that itâs not the
| structure of the school that matters, but
| what goes on in the classroom, also closely
| parrots the current line being sold by
| Phillips, now head of education for the
| Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
| Phillips was the keynote speaker at the
| Council of The Great City Schools
| conference held in Portland last month,
| attended by Allan and quite a few of her
| administrative colleagues. In her speech,
| Phillips promoted merit pay for teachers,
| the latest policy thrust of Gates.
| While superintendent in Portland, Philips
| was responsible for both the transition to
| K-8 schools  and the âsmall schoolsâ
| initiative, funded largely by the Gates
| foundation, which dismantled every
| comprehensive high school in Portland
| serving majority non-white students, and
| split them into rigid âacademies.â These
| academies forced students to choose a
| narrow field of study as freshmen, and
| didnât allow students to take electives
| offered in other academies in the same
| building.
| [...]
| Gatesâ quiet partner
| The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has
| grown to be the dominant voice in the
| national education dialogue, heavily
| influencing the federal education policy of
| both George W. Bush and Barack Obama. But
| even as PPS appears to be taking a non-
| Gates path on high schools, the district
| continues to be enamored with  Gatesâ
| biggest private-sector education policy
| ally: Eli Broadâs education foundation.
| [...]
| âStudent performance,â entirely measured by
| standardized test scores, correlates highly
| to poverty. Broadâs scheme would almost
| certainly assure that teachers in poor and
| minority communities would make less than
| their colleagues in wealthier schools, only
| worsening the achievement gap. This puts
| the lie to Broadâs (and Gatesâ) stated
| mission of closing that gap.
| [...]
| âStudent performance,â entirely measured by
| standardized test scores, correlates highly
| to poverty. Broadâs scheme would almost
| certainly assure that teachers in poor and
| minority communities would make less than
| their colleagues in wealthier schools, only
| worsening the achievement gap. This puts
| the lie to Broadâs (and Gatesâ) stated
| mission of closing that gap.



Dark cloud over good works of Gates Found


Gates Foundation Revokes Pledge to Review Portfolio

,----[ Quote ]
| ...the Gates Foundation took down their public statement on this
| and replaced it with a significantly altered version which seems to
| say that investing responsibly would just be too complex for them
| and that they need to focus on their core mission: 'There are
| dozens of factors that could be considered, almost all of which
| are outside the foundation's areas of expertise. The issues
| involved are quite complex...


Gates Foundationâs Influence Criticized

,----[ Quote ]
| The chief of malaria for the World Health Organization has complained that
| the growing dominance of malaria research by the Bill and Melinda Gates
| Foundation risks stifling a diversity of views among scientists and wiping
| out the world health agencyâs policy-making function.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation- Truth Revealed


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation- Truth Revealed Part 2


Gates in charge of education?

,----[ Quote ]
| Since when was this country's educational system run by Bill
| Gates and his foundation? When exactly did he and those he's
| hired become the top educational experts in the country?
| As far as I can tell this (like much else) has to do with who
| has enough money to boss other people around. There are
| supposed to be other values in a democracy.
| And the irony of the man who was sued by the federal
| government for a monopoly now endorsing competition in public
| education hasn't escaped me, either.


Gates Foundation cash wields influence

,----[ Quote ]
| The Gates Foundation is offering up to
| $250,000 apiece to states that want to apply
| for $5 billion in federal grants to help
| reform our nation's school systems.
| [...]
| The Associated Press story noted that there is
| a joke going around that says the real
| secretary of education is Bill Gates. To us,
| that's no joke.


Editorial: School reform the Gates way

,----[ Quote ]
| The Gates approach may be radical, but in
| Memphis and beyond the circumstances call for
| a non-traditional approach and as much
| innovation as the system can muster.


Gates in charge of education?

,----[ Quote ]
| Since when was this country's educational system run by Bill
| Gates and his foundation? When exactly did he and those he's
| hired become the top educational experts in the country?
| As far as I can tell this (like much else) has to do with who
| has enough money to boss other people around. There are
| supposed to be other values in a democracy.
| And the irony of the man who was sued by the federal
| government for a monopoly now endorsing competition in public
| education hasn't escaped me, either.


Gates Foundation cash wields influence

,----[ Quote ]
| The Gates Foundation is offering up to
| $250,000 apiece to states that want to apply
| for $5 billion in federal grants to help
| reform our nation's school systems.
| [...]
| The Associated Press story noted that there is
| a joke going around that says the real
| secretary of education is Bill Gates. To us,
| that's no joke.


Editorial: School reform the Gates way

,----[ Quote ]
| The Gates approach may be radical, but in
| Memphis and beyond the circumstances call for
| a non-traditional approach and as much
| innovation as the system can muster.

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