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[News] [Rival] Dell is Pushing GNU/Linux Into Mainstream Desktops

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Dell is Pushing GNU/Linux Into Mainstream Desktops
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:15:05 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Will Dell Dump Microsoft for Google's Chrome Operating System?

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's (GOOG) Chrome operating system 
| will be locked in a market share war with 
| Microsoft's (MSFT) Windows OS when it's 
| released later this year. Microsoft has a 
| huge lead because it runs, by some 
| estimates, on 90% of the PCs sold around 
| the world. The success of Windows 7 may 
| help cement that advantage. But the tide 
| could be changing.
| Google and Dell (DELL) are discussing a 
| deal to have its Chrome OS put on on the PC 
| company's laptops. According to Reuters, 
| "We have to have a point of view on the 
| industry and technology direction two 
| years, three years down the road, so we 
| continuously work with Google on this," 
| Amit Midha, Dell's president for Greater 
| China and South Asia said.


Dell is breaking away from Microsoft


What Chrome OS Needs: Levity


Dell Hops On Google Chrome OS Bandwagon 


Dell embraces cloud, fires first shot in Google vs. Microsoft Battle 



Ubuntu Light demoed on a new Dell 14R

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu Light was announced a few months
| back and is intended as a 'fast boot
| version' of Ubuntu for quick access to
| basic internet features such a a web
| browser, Skype & Empathy..
| The new 'Unity' interface Ubuntu Light is
| intended to be fast, responsive and quick -
| in the video below Ubuntu Light goes from
| off to Yahoo! in less than 20 seconds on
| one of Dell's newly announced i-core series
| of laptops/netbooks.


Dell 14R Dual-Boot Ubuntu Light/Windows 7 Laptop Demo

,----[ Quote ]
| Many in the Ubuntu community are looking
| forward to the release of Ubuntu 10.10 this
| October. One reason, as youâll see here on
| a new Dell 14R, is the introduction of
| Ubuntu Light, which Canonical is working
| with OEMs to get pre-installed as a dual-
| boot option on Windows laptops â with the
| benefit being they can access popular
| productivity and communication programs
| like Google Chrome/Chromium, Skype, Totem
| Media Player, IM, etc. in about 7 seconds.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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