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[News] Microsoft's Phone Gets Terrible Reviews and Allegedly Sells Just 500 Units (Microsoft Not Denying Yet)

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft's Phone Gets Terrible Reviews and Allegedly Sells Just 500 Units (Microsoft Not Denying Yet)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:26:48 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Has Microsoft Really Only Sold 500 Kin Phones?

,----[ Quote ]
| But when taking a closer look at the 
| information that's available -- since 
| Microsoft is unlikely to offer sales 
| numbers that could dispute or confirm the 
| rumor -- its easy to see why this tall-tale 
| has legs.


The problem with Microsoft's Kin

,----[ Quote ]
| For starters, if I hadn't been looking for 
| the Kin, I might not have known it was 
| there. At each of the Verizon Wireless 
| stores I visited, the Kin did have a 
| dedicated area, measuring a few feet across 
| against the wall. But the area was 
| generally overshadowed by promotional areas 
| for Android devices and other high-end 
| phones sold by the carrier.


Microsoft Kin Two Review

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft stated that, with the Kin, they 
| were developing a phone that sits somewhere 
| between so-called "feature phones" that 
| offer the basics and a full-featured, 
| pricier smartphone, but with the Kin Two, 
| they've managed to capture the worst of 
| both worlds, often underperforming low-end 
| phones when it comes to capability while 
| charging more than a typical smartphone if 
| you opt for the Zune Pass subscription.


Microsoft's KIN: A Little Less than Kin, a Little More than Kind 

,----[ Quote ]
| Sadly, for now this means we would point 
| those in the market for a new Verizon phone 
| to one of the companyâs collection of 
| Android devices instead. We wanted to like 
| the KIN, and like the concept car analogy 
| mentioned earlier, many of its ideas are 
| good in theory â they just come up short in 
| practice.



Microsoft Kin ad encourages you to send moob shots to girls

,----[ Quote ]
| Consumer Reports is calling out Microsoft
| (NSDQ: MSFT) for its Kin ads because itâs
| âcreepyâ that one ad apparently shows some
| hip dudester sending pictures of his chest
| to some equally hip lady.


Microsoft Kin upshirt ad called 'creepy'

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm sure there are few people left in the
| world who have not, at one time or another,
| sent a picture of their most favorable body
| parts to someone they loved. Or at least
| coveted. Or at least knew. I am, therefore,
| moved to photograph the frothing in my
| brain caused by the controversy surrounding
| a video for Microsoft's new Kin phones
| aimed at young social-networking hipsters.


Microsoft KIN Phones Strictly For Kids


Can Kin, Windows Phone 7 Series Rescue Redmond?


Microsoft: Windows Phone 7 won't arrive 'feature complete'


Oops! Microsoft Office Mobile 2010 beta expires


Microsoft sorry over quiet Office Mobile 2010 beta kill date

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has apologised to Windows Mobile
| 6.5 users this week after it killed a beta
| of Office Mobile 2010 some had been running
| on their devices.


Losing Ground In Mobile Market, Microsoft Aims Both High And Low


Hey, Apple, Microsoft, mobile multitasking is a necessity

,----[ Quote ]
| Context is key, particularly for
| Millennials accustomed to doing many things
| -- blogging, gaming, homework, listening to
| music, social networking and watching
| videos -- at once on PCs. Even more than
| the PC, the smartphone is highly
| contextual, with usage changing depending
| on circumstance and often demanding
| multiple functions or applications to be
| available nearly simultaneously.
| Gartenberg's turn-by-turn example is a good
| one, if, say, the user is walking to a
| destination, streaming from Pandora,
| searching Google for the nearest coffee
| shop, using location services to see if any
| friends are nearby, but suddenly stopping
| to snap a photo of a llama in the street
| and then uploading it to Facebook and
| Twitter. Multitasking mobile operating
| systems make easier these kinds of rapidly
| changing contextual scenarios.


Microsoft's Zune Misstep Marks the Gadget Road Not Taken

,----[ Quote ]
| The Zune's failure sent the company down a
| very different path than Apple's. Jobs & Co.
| were able to use the iPod's success to launch
| the iPhone, and now the iPad. Microsoft's
| mobile OS has struggled against the mobile
| operating system Apple uses, probably because
| Redmond never had a cell phone of its own to
| carry Windows Mobile as a follow-on product
| to the Zune.


Microsoft Kills Windows Phone 7's Series

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is not very confident about the
| coolness of the name of its newest operating
| system for mobile phones named Windows Phone
| 7 Series. The coolest name would have been
| WP7S! But Microsoft has decided to chop the
| word 'series' from the 'Windows Phone 7
| Series'. The phone will now be called Windows
| Phone 7.


Report: Microsoft Sued Over Zune Tagging


A Software Bug may Kill You

,----[ Quote ]
| In 1991, during the Gulf war, American
| Patriot missile was deployed to combat
| Iraqi scud missile. In one of the incident,
| Patriot missile missed the Scud and that
| resulted the death of 28 American soldiers
| and 100 others got injured. There was an
| arithmetic error during calculation which
| resulted inaccurate calculation since Boot.
| [...]
| Microsoftâs Zune player stopped working on
| December 31, 2008 because of a simple
| software bug. The software was written in
| such a way that it would never terminate if
| the year is leap year and the total number
| of days is 366.


Microsoft investigating disappearing music from Zune Pass

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a post on the Zune Forums, owners
| of the Zune Pass are having a bit of trouble
| accessing the music they're paying for with
| their subscription, as first reported by
| Engadget. In less than two weeks, the thread
| in question has passed 50 replies as users
| complain and list what they can no longer
| access: specific songs, entire albums, or even
| everything produced by an artist.

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