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[News] Nokia/MeeGo Linux-based Tablets Are Coming, UI Improved

  • Subject: [News] Nokia/MeeGo Linux-based Tablets Are Coming, UI Improved
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2010 13:52:29 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

MeeGo tablet unveiled in China

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Flag Software has demonstrated a 10.1-
| inch tablet running its new MeeGo Linux 
| version of Midinux 3.0 on an Intel 
| Moorestown Z6xx processor, says Tech.qq. 
| Equipped with Wi-Fi and 3G, the NPad 
| tablet will go on sale in the third 
| quarter, says the report.


MeeGo Launches its Handset User Experience Project 

,----[ Quote ]
| The MeeGo Project released the baseline 
| source code for the handset version of the 
| Linux-based mobile OS to the development 
| community. This code is being developed as 
| MeeGo 1.1, which is slated for an October 
| release. 


Meego's sexy smartphone UI goes on display

,----[ Quote ]
| Curious about what the upcoming Meego OS 
| will look like on a smartphone? Well, 
| wonder no more! A handful of images have 
| been posted on the official website for 
| all to see. Above are the home screen, 
| launcher, and task switcher interface 
| (from left to right).



Nokia seen making 9-inch tablet with ARM, MeeGo

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia's rumored tablet had some of its
| details firmed up today in one analyst note.
| The device would use MeeGo, the mobile OS
| designed with Intel, but would use an ARM
| processor and not the Atom Z600 Intel would
| prefer. Digitimes Research claimed in the
| note that it would have either a seven- or
| nine-inch screen and would be assembled by
| Foxconn for the fall.


Nokia to launch a tablet later this year?

,----[ Quote ]
| Itâs likely that the new tablet will run
| MeeGo, a new Linux-based operating system
| that was formed by the merger of the Maemo
| and Moblin projects. Maemo was largely a
| Nokia-backed project, and the company has
| already released several smartphones and
| small internet devices running the Linux-
| based operating system.


Nokia N9 MeeGo slider leaks in early video tease?

,----[ Quote ]
| Let's just put this out there: the image
| above was grabbed from a video that could be
| an early, leaked teaser for the N9, Nokia's
| first handset to run the MeeGo OS. Could be.


MeeGo Community Metrics for May

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