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[News] Android (Linux Based) Gets More Hackable

  • Subject: [News] Android (Linux Based) Gets More Hackable
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 18:59:28 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Cyanogen Mod 6 Coming to Handful of Phones

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a June 23rd Tweet by cyanogen, 
| his infamous ROM v.6 is targeting the Nexus 
| One (which seems to be his favorite since 
| its release), the Verizon Droid, the HTC 
| Dream, Magic, and Desire, as well as the HTC 
| EVO4G by Sprint.  He later tweeted the Hero 
| would get some love too.


A look at CyanogenMod 5.0.8

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the core features of Linux has always 
| been the ability to switch to a different 
| distribution in the eternal pursuit of 
| something shiny, new, and different. Linux 
| on handsets should be no different. Someday, 
| with any luck at all, we'll be able to 
| change between systems like Android and 
| MeeGo on a single handset. For now, the 
| options are a bit more limited, but there 
| are still toys to play with. Your editor 
| took the CyanogenMod 5.0.8 announcement as 
| the perfect opportunity to avoid real work 
| for while. In short: CyanogenMod is a 
| classic demonstration of what can happen 
| when we have control over our gadgets.


Updated Dell Streak Root Method Released

,----[ Quote ]
| Paul O'Brien, the genius behind MoDaCo, has 
| just released an updated "superboot" rooting 
| method for the dell streak.  According to 
| Paul, this root method differs a little from 
| what we're used to seeing, but still gets 
| the job done for those who want superuser 
| access on Dell Streak handsets.


HTC Finally Releases Kernel Source for the EVO 4G

,----[ Quote ]
| Just before a small community of distraught 
| developers gear up to sue HTC in an effort 
| to get that kernel source theyâre required 
| to release for the HTC EVO 4G, theyâve done 
| it. Itâs been a month since the device has 
| launched, and â compared to how long it took 
| HTC to offer up the goods for the HTC Hero â 
| Iâd say that EVO owners and developers are 
| lucky to be getting the source so soon.



Alex e-reader rooted

,----[ Quote ]
| The Android-powered Alex e-reader has just
| gotten rooted, where all you need to do is
| download the .ZIP file here, copy it to the
| root folder of your Alex's SD memory card and
| you're good to go. Once done, just power down
| your device, press and hold both "Back" and
| "Next" page buttons, and the power button as
| well until the Alex logo appears on the
| display. You will then enter recovery mode,
| whereby you release all buttons. Hit both
| "Back" and "Power" buttons to apply the ZIP
| file. Anyone given it a go?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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