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[News] "The Charge for Freedom", Free Software Developer Sees Growth Doubling

  • Subject: [News] "The Charge for Freedom", Free Software Developer Sees Growth Doubling
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 19:27:49 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

The Charge for Freedom

,----[ Quote ]
| In the open source republic, the hacker is 
| your representative. He codes on your 
| behalf, and should his idea find favor, the 
| project leader approves the idea, and the 
| idea becomes part of the code base. Should 
| your ideas and the hacker's ideas differ, 
| you are free to contact someone else on the 
| dev team. If nothing is done to your liking, 
| your are free to secede from the union and 
| fork the code. In the real world, 
| information is free for the taking, and 
| where law forbids the exchange of ideas we 
| see rather inventive means of circumvention 
| come to fruition. In most free nations 
| around the world, people were supposed to be 
| at the forefront of government. In the USA, 
| politicians were once called public 
| servants. The open source community is much 
| the same. While many do make money off of 
| open source software, the motivation to 
| create open source software and to open 
| source already existing projects was 
| initially the want to help others, make a 
| better product, and lower development costs 
| by allowing anyone to contribute. Only one 
| of those three motivations has anything to 
| do with monetary cost.


Open source developer sees 100 percent growth

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source software developer Exist Global 
| foresees a 100 percent revenue growth this 
| year to $4 million on back of a vibrant US 
| market and local companiesâ willingness to 
| pay for high-valued software.
| The company believes this year is the start 
| of sustained profitable operations from a 
| slowdown in the US market after it was 
| adversely affected by the global financial 
| crisis.
| âAs far as Exist is concerned, I think the 
| worst is behind us. Weâre receiving a lot of 
| requests, indicating that the second half is 
| going to be healthy. Weâre beginning to 
| focus on hiring again,â said Winston 
| Damarillo, Exist Global founder, in an 
| interview at a company celebration for its 
| first half performance.



ActiveLearning Launches Linux Training in the Philippines

,----[ Quote ]
| ActiveLearning, Inc. today introduced a new
| training program in the Philippines
| entitled "Linux Boot Camp", a comprehensive
| Linux training program that immerses
| participants in 2 weeks of intensive hands-
| on Linux training under the guidance of an
| expert instructor.


Philippines 2010 Elections and Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| The Philippines 2010 Election will be using an
| electronic counting machine for the first time.
| The Linux-powered machines were provided by
| Smartmatic and the ROMs are managed by (and
| supposedly programmed in) Ubuntu.


RP tech advocates gain ground in fight to free the Internet

,----[ Quote ]
| The countryâs economy is recovering faster
| than expected from a global downturn and
| advocates of a âfree the Internetâ campaign
| hope to take some credit for that.
| Both business and government have started
| using free software programs, saving as much
| as 80 percent in their operations, officials
| of the International Open Source Network
| (IOSN) said during a recent conference here.


Basic open source web design workshop set in Davao

,----[ Quote ]
| The Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC) is
| inviting interested manager/owners/ HR
| managers/web enthusiasts in a two-day Basic
| Web Design Course using Joomla open source
| software.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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