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[News] Graphics Stack in Linux Requires Better Snapdragon Drivers From Qualcomm

  • Subject: [News] Graphics Stack in Linux Requires Better Snapdragon Drivers From Qualcomm
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 11:16:58 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Qualcomm Snapdragon open-source efforts prove frustrating

,----[ Quote ]
| Qualcomm has found itself unwittingly 
| annoying the open-source community by posting 
| the source code for OpenGL ES 2D/3D Linux 
| kernel driver for its Snapdragon chipset, as 
| found in the Nexus One, Dell Streak and many 
| other devices.  However, while the kernel 
| driver is open-source, Qualcommâs user-space 
| driver remains closed; that prompted David 
| Airlie, who maintains the DRM for the Linux 
| kernel at Red Hat, to tell Qualcomm â and 
| anyone else considering doing the same half-
| hearted thing â âIf you arenât going to 
| create an open userspace driver (either MIT 
| or LGPL) then donât waste time submitting a 
| kernel driver to me.â


Open Source 3D Driver for Snapdragon Released



Qualcomm Releases Open-Source 2D/3D Kernel Driver

,----[ Quote ]
| If you happen to have Google's Nexus One or
| other phones based upon Qualcomm's Snapdragon
| processor, there is great news today.
| Qualcomm has just released an open-source
| 2D/3D kernel driver for their OpenGL ES
| graphics processor. This Qualcomm kernel
| driver provides support for interrupts,
| command streams, context switching, memory
| management, etc. Qualcomm is looking to push
| this code into the mainline Linux kernel


Qualcomm's Open Kernel Driver Leads To A Dirty Mess

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, it sounded nice when Qualcomm announced
| an open-source 2D/3D kernel driver for their
| Snapdragon platform that's used by phones
| like the Nexus One and Dell Streak, but it
| turns out that their user-space Linux driver
| that hooks into this kernel driver is
| currently a closed-source blob. This has led
| to the eternal debate about open-source
| kernel components but with only closed-source
| components.


Qualcomm faces fresh EU inquiry

,----[ Quote ]
| The new complaint, being looked at by the
| European Commission, comes from Icera, a UK
| rival, which claims that Qualcomm is using
| patent-related incentives to discourage
| customers from doing business with Icera.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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