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Re: Linux is Dead... and Resurrected 0.5 Million Times PER DAY by ONE Product

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____/ bbgruff on Tuesday 28 Jun 2011 21:58 : \____

> On Tuesday 28 June 2011 20:32 Homer wrote:
>> Verily I say unto thee, that bbgruff spake thusly:
>>> That figure must equate roughly with the rate of Windows 7 sales, in
>>> fact....
>> Are Windows 7 sales really that high?
>> Or did you mean Windows 7 "sales", as in channel-stuffing?
> No, I meant sales as in new instances coming "on-line".  Those include pre-
> installed copies, of course.
> Before the launch of W7, I said in this group that it would need to show
> about a 1.5% per month increase in use, just to keep MS level with where it
> was.
> The statistics vary widely, but Web Access by W7 has been growing at between
> 1.2% and 1.5% per month, depending on which figures you use.
> Assuming that this relates to about 1,500 Million total devices, that means
> between 18 Million and 22.5 Million new Windows 7s a month, compared with
> about 15 Million Androids per month.  Roughly comparable, in fact, except
> that Android is on an upward curve of activations, while W7 is a straight
> line.  Android "sales" will overtake W7 sales quite soon now.
> Note that the Web Access figures indicate about 50,000 Androids a day,
> whereas there are really 500,000 new activations a day.  We can safely
> assume that on average, a desktop/laptop is used to access the web far more
> frequently than a phone :-)

Pedant's point: Microsoft does not actually 'sell' the number it states.
It issues an activation key that may
or may not be used and then counts that as "sale". The numbers used by
Microsoft's PR are bogus.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
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