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FTP Access or a ZIP Archive
have been informed of a potential issue with FTP access to the code. I am fully aware that the (anonymous) FTP server requires secure authentication and, nonetheless, some visitors do not use FTP clients which support this more modern authentication method. For that very particular reason, I have put up a ZIP archive of AART version 2.0.0 (a predecessor of MARS) on some Webspace. Code of version 1.5.5 can still be browsed in its usual location.
As always, the fairly up-to-date MARS code resides in the Downloads section of this site.
The MIAS-IRC (Medical Images and Signals Inter-disciplinary Research Consortium/Collaboration) involves three strands of work one of which is the Structure of Function Grand Challenge. Its principal aim is related to the aim of this project: unification of segmentation, modelling and registration.
Migration from AART to MARS
Today marks the beginning of this project. The first stage will involve migration of the old code (AART) to form the newer implementation, which goes by the name of MARS. The name reflects on an intended improvement: the inclusion of segmentation and closer bonding between models, segmentation, and registration.
The logo of the older project
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