I remember reading the buzzing sound had something to do with the
processor speed so I tried out LightSpeed but it wasn't stable enough
to use on my TE. When I tried the two E2 units at two different stores
I just figured that the increase in processor speed corrected the
The only time the buzzing noise is even an issue is usually at night
when I try to read in bed, which is probably not a good idea for me
anyway as I tend to fall asleep when I'm reading a book and get woken
up as it hits the floor. Needless to say I don't read much at night
anyway using my TE.
When the E2 first came out I was watching the newsgroups to see if
anyone mentioned the screen buzz or lack of it, but it was never
mentioned and none of the commercial reviewers mentioned it either.
On Sun, 07 Aug 2005 15:11:17 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:
>AaronJ wrote:
>> kmilburn <kmilburn@bite.me.com> wrote:
>>>I have a Tungsten E and the thing that drives me nuts is the screen
>>>buzz in low noise environments. The E2 doesn't have a screen buzz, at
>>>least the two I've tried in different stores didn't!
>> There have been a number of reports of the TE2 having screen noise also.
>> Like with the TE, it is a rare occurrence. But when millions of units are
>> sold 'rare occurrence can mean a substantial number of units... ;)
>I have spent the past few minutes trying to find the source where I read
>yesterday about a known and rather widespread case of high-pich noise in
>the Tungsten E2. I am fairly sure it was the E2 and I think an announcement
>from the makers (Palm) was involved. Anyway, I couldn't find the source and
>I can't remember where I read this, so please take this with a grain of