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Re: E2 High-Pitch Noise

kmilburn wrote:

> I remember reading the buzzing sound had something to do with the
> processor speed so I tried out LightSpeed but it wasn't stable enough
> to use on my TE. When I tried the two E2 units at two different stores
> I just figured that the increase in processor speed corrected the
> problem.
> The only time the buzzing noise is even an issue is usually at night
> when I try to read in bed, which is probably not a good idea for me
> anyway as I tend to fall asleep when I'm reading a book and get woken
> up as it hits the floor. Needless to say I don't read much at night
> anyway using my TE.
> When the E2 first came out I was watching the newsgroups to see if
> anyone mentioned the screen buzz or lack of it, but it was never
> mentioned and none of the commercial reviewers mentioned it either.

I hope this sums it all up properly:


I'll submit it to PalmAddict shortly. Perhaps other people who are affected
will gain from the information...


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