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Re: Referrers in Log File

Ken wrote:

> Hi Roy -
> On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 16:19:24 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:
>>why did I not stick to lowercase from day one?
> If you switch everything to lower case, I think it should not take
> more than 26 "RedirectMatch permanent" statements in .htaccess, one
> for each letter, to do a 301 redirect from uppercase to lowercase.  It
> might be possible to do it in less, or in less by using Rewrite.
> That's not one of my strong areas.
> The 301s will cause the search engines to reindex with the lower case
> names.

That's a very interesting idea. It should work for bookmarks, search engines
and the like, but... all inbound links will then not correspond to the
actual pages and I will probably get panelised. Every time in the past when
I attempted to rename pages or move them swiftly (e.g. renaming galleries
to reflect on content) I got severely punished...


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