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Re: Palm/PocketPC worldwide 2 Q2005 shipments chart

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote in message 
> Bible John wrote:
>> http://www.infoworld.com/infoworld/img/HNhandhelds_ch.gif
>> Which one comes out on top?  Palm?  PocketPC?  See for yourself.
> Gee thanks for that. I imagined their market share was much lower and I
> suppose people were driven into that same illusion too. I will try to
> spread the word...
> http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2005/07/28/palm-strong-in-the-lead/
> PalmAddict will bring a few hundreds of readers.

Uh, might want to read it again, Roy - Palm in 2q 2005 had a 36 % share. 
HP, Acer and Dell alone accounted for 39.8% share, which makes Pocket PC in 
the lead.  Factor in the other manufacturers of Pocket PCs not listed and 
you can see Palm coming out well below the Pocket Pc share.

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