Roy Schestowitz wrote:
[snip] "Soon after that, around 2050, we should be able to reverse-engineer
a human brain and upload it into a robot." [/snip]
I haven't even clicked the link you provided, but let me guess: that's
a quote from Ray Kurzweil, right?
Due to odd quirks of course offerings and degree requirements, I ended
up taking a class in college where we basically spent 75% of a semester
discussing whether uploading your consciousness into a robot can happen
or not.
My conclusion was that we won't know for sure until we try, which we
can't do until we have the technology. And, if we do develop the
technology, we won't have it for some time. So we won't know for a
My other conclusion was that Ray Kurzweil thinks that (a) Moore's
Law will go on indefinitely, and (b) Moore's Law going on is by itself
all we will need to develop machines with intelligence like a human.
I think both of those ideas are great big giant leaps, and Kurzweil
didn't write anything (at least not in "The Age of Spiritual Machines")
to back up why he thought them. So, I wasn't very impressed, personally.
- Logan