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Re: How many TRULY different search engines are there?

__/ [Gymdandy@xxxxxxxxx] on Friday 09 September 2005 07:24 \__

> Probably way to many to count but here is what I mean.
> Like AltaVista uses Yahoo
> And Yahoo USED to use Google
> I know Google, Yahoo and MSN have their own search engines and
> algorithms and spiders

Most others will harvest results from the top 3 (mainly one in practice).
They cannot afford to invest in hardware and bandwidth. It would be
economically irrational.

AskJeeves are still crawling a fair bit and Alexa crawl mainly for the
purpose of archiving, which gets them a few hits in the Web Archive. Others
lost hope apparently.

> What other "major" ones are there?

You have some specialised searches, which are rather significant among their
niche. That's where a lot of emphasis is put and opportunities lie,
especially among start-ups. Notice the Google rebuttal with features like
Google Local and Google Scholar. A service that integrates and bound
several specialised searches could put major search engines in jeopardy.


* Search for 'Don Knuth bubble sort'

* Alexa indicates that Don Knuth is an academic

* Go to citeSeer

* Perform a search for Don Knuth

* Get number of citations for each peer-reviewed paper

* Return most cited papers in order

* use a generic search algorithm to search his most popular papers for
'bubble sort'

* Return results.


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