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Re: Site dropped to PR4

__/ [ Paul B ] on Sunday 02 April 2006 12:05 \__

> Anyone else notice their PR playing around ?
> Site was a PR5, and today PR4   umph !

The number of referrals I get (related to rank) was axed by about a half last
week. It was an overnight change which had no clear justification as I had
changed nothing. Number of indexed pages has not changed either. Has
*yours*? Also, could this somehow be related to your recent Google Cache
woe? If the bar was greyed out, that would be another scenario altogether. I
still see FirstPeople < http://www.firstpeople.us/ > at PR5, so I assume
you're alluding to a front page of another site.

HTH (Hesitant To Hallucinate)


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