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Re: COLA Stats 2 Apr 2006

On 2006-04-02, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> __/ [ Roy Culley ] on Sunday 02 April 2006 00:41 \__
>> ngstats.pl version 1.18
>> This report covers 1979 articles received by this system to
>> newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy [1]
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Toplist of Posters
>>  Pos  Poster                                          Msgs   Bytes Quoted
>>    1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     284  311652    51%
>>    2. Lobo <not@xxxxxxxx>                               75  100827    58%
>>    3. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   72  148132    53%
>>    4. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>                            67   79660    79%
>>       Linønut <linønut@xxxxxxxx>                        67   55214    57%
>>    6. Paul <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               63  142632    83%
>>    7. billwg - WINTROLL / LIAR LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!        58   75190    41%
>>    8. Gordon <gordon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        47   25437    70%
>>    9. Sinister Midget <sinister@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>          46   50941    45%
>>   10. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 43   79666    71%
> Top 10, only 1 troll! They seem to have relocated/vanished/lost passion for
> posting.

What do they have to post about? they lose every argument. Their
"facts" are repeatedly shown to be errant. Even the dumber ones are
having trouble spinning the news that it's over for the Borg.*

Bilge likes to see himself in print or he'd vanish. I don't know for
sure, but I'd imagine he gets wet every time somebody responds to his
pap. That suspicion is one of the reasons why I crammed him to the
bottom of the sludgepile.

* If it keeps up I'll have to alter my anti-crapware signatures to go
into other areas. Why keep slamming them when there's nothing to slam?

Windows: The answer to a question nobody asked.

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