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Re: Making money with AdSense

__/ [ None ] on Friday 24 February 2006 22:20 \__

> I've heard a lot lately about people who claim to be earning $400.00 to
> $1200.00 USD per month from AdSense.
> Is this at all realistic?


> Or even remotely possible?

Very much so.

> Or would I be better off to not waste time developing websites to use it?

When you get a million visits a month, you may expect to earn figures like
that which you mention above. I should point out that such figures
approximately equate to your hosting bill. *smile*

Additionally, the value of AdSense depends on the nature of your site. Some
particular sites attract visitors who are more 'clickthrough-happy'.
Particular sites contain content that gets bound high-paying adverts.

> Thanks

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    GPL'd Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
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