On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 06:57:49 +0000, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> *smile* What does the 4-year-old son need MPlayer for anyway? Teach him to
>>> Lynx the Web and put an end to exposure to violence and kissy wissy.
>> His favorie movie is the Titanic (somewhat edited to get rid of most
>> gruesome scenes).
>> He is, fortunately, not a TV guy and does not watch any TV.
> Computers, and particularly the Internet, obviate the need for TV, videos and
> even the cinema (passive mode information absorance). Last year I gave away
> my TV, having not used it for over 3 years.
I do not watch TV at all, but my wife does.
> Delivery of information in interactive form is something that even
> *interactive* TV is yet to *attempt* to compete with. We are not yet
> living in an age where video can be tailored 'on the fly' and be
> delivered in interactive mode, unlike for instance, SERP's, text-
> and imahe-based AI, and semantics.
> Anyhoo... get him to know the Web and the computer. It's a better (and often
> safer) loeveaffair. Equip his with valuable education using the right tools.
I am in full agreement here. I am now teaching him to use IRC
(obviously, we have an internal, firewalled "family" IRC server, he is
not going out to public irc servers).