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Re: [News] Lower Saxony Moves 12,000 Computers to Linux

__/ [ Sinister Midget ] on Friday 02 June 2006 02:02 \__

> On 2006-06-01, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted
> something concerning:
>> On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 18:42:10 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Tax authorities in Lower Saxony switch to Linux
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| According to a press release, 12,000 computers are affected. Since the
>>>| end of April, all tax authorities have been involved in migration. By
>>>| the end of September 2006, the desktop systems are all to be running on
>>>| Linux except for telecommuters and servers.
>>> `----
>>>                         http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/73772
>> I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
>> We keep hearing about all these *PLANS* to migrate to linux, and *in
>> process* moves to linux.  We almost never (with very few exceptions) hear
>> about them once complete.  One would think that pulling off such a feat
>> would be bragging rights, and you would want to publish your metrics about
>> how much money you've saved.... but no.  Silence.
> I've said this before and I'll say it again.
> They're done. They're working. What's to talk about?
> We heard about a mass migration for Godaddy's parked sites not long
> ago. Why don't we hear more? What happened? Are those domains sitting
> there, doing nothing, any better off than they were?

Financially, yes. Microsoft *paid* for the migration, which subverted
Netscraft figures, making them deceiving. I call it bribery.

> What happens to all of theose companies that switch over from something
> to Windwoes? How come they aren't broadcasting the status every day*
> thereafter?
> If they're /staying/ with it, what's the point of
> * Some, in part, because they learn their lessons quickly and dump
> Winders. But that's not always the case.

Always remember:

"Business X, which we previously reported was moving to Linux, completes
migration successfully" does not make a good headline in a newspaper or even
a Web site. Who gives a fsck? Sure. They migrated, it works. Done deal. No
press release is needed.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "I regularly SSH to God's brain and reboot"
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