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Re: [News] Patent Holders Assist Open Source?

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Patent holders as open source allies
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| In a fascinating post on the aftermath of the Eolas decision <
>| http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=3114 >, our own David Berlind note
>| that some patent holders are becoming friends of open source.
>| After losing to Eolas, he writes, Microsoft was forced to drop
>| some functionality from Internet Explorer, but Firefox was not.
> `----
> http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/index.php?p=666&tag=nl.e550
> It sounds like fighting fire with fire.

Perhaps... afairc, patent actions are usually about licensing a body to
do something for a price...  open-source doesn't easily fit into that
model, which might be part of the issue here.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
A can of ASPARAGUS, 73 pigeons, some LIVE ammo, and a FROZEN DAQUIRI!!

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