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Re: [News] Woman Targetted by Windows Flaw

  • Subject: Re: [News] Woman Targetted by Windows Flaw
  • From: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 10:05:11 +0100
  • Jlaforums: I am NOT a "Guest", I am BANNED from JLAforums but they STILL archive my USENET posts!
  • Machine: Test drive
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Association of International Linux Admins
  • Os: Kubuntu 6.05 RC
  • References: <1173813.rrJqGvEC7M@schestowitz.com> <pan.2006.> <2379075.fTBJ2EBAeH@schestowitz.com> <pan.2006.> <18266999.H6kx1MyfYT@schestowitz.com>
  • User-agent: Pan/ (As She Crawled Across the Table (Debian GNU/Linux))
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1115059
On Fri, 02 Jun 2006 09:08:03 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:


> To clarify, I received both messages. I am assuming that your earlier post
> did not appear on your side, so you reposted. I got both anyway...

Sorry about that. I'd posted the original reply from one of my SuSE
machines, but a short while later shut it down. I set a cronjob for
leafnode to automatically send & download Usenet messages. As I didn't see
the message in this thread, on this machine, I assumed I'd shut down
before leafnode had had a chance to send it. So I replied from this
machine (Kubuntu) with the intention of deleting the original from the
SuSE '/var/spool/news/out.going'  later. Seems, however, that leafnode
*had* sent it afterall.....so big "OOOPS" there on my part! <grin>

> Thanks for the feedback. 

YW. :-)

> Long posts often discourage that (Rex Ballard comes to mind), 

I don't read him much, bit long-winded IMHO...

> but silence is far worse than a nod confirming that all text was not entered
> in vain.


www.jlaforums.com steals usenet newsgroup posts, & misleads the public
into thinking the posts come from their own forums. THEY DON'T!
This post was originally posted in a USENET newsgroup.
USENET is free to anyone with a newsreader.

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