Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Ballmer: Windows HPC Edition To Steal Share From Linux
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Ballmer said Linux is not gaining as much share against Windows as
> | naysayers once predicted. The Linux desktop has gone nowhere and
> | Linux server sales have peaked, he claimed.
> |
> | "Four years ago, people wrote that we'd be wiped out by Linux. Four
> | years later, how are they doing? They're not gaining share. Four years
> | ago, we were supposed to be wiped out. We've not lost share to
> | them--maybe we're down a point--and that can almost be all accounted
> | for by the number of Linux servers Google's put in," Ballmer quipped.
> |
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | One open source consultant dismissed Ballmer's contention, and said
> | Linux' momentum is not over.
> `----
It's amazing how /not threatened by Linux/ Ballmer feels. He is so
/not threatened bu Linux/ that he makes frequent announcements that he
feels /not threatened by Linux/. You know that someone feels really
confident if, every time you see them, they tell you that they feel
Just in case anyone hasn't noticed yet: Ballmer does not feel
threatened by Linux.