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Re: [News] More Anti-Linux FUD from Ballmer

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Ballmer: Windows HPC Edition To Steal Share From Linux
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Ballmer said Linux is not gaining as much share against Windows as
> | naysayers once predicted. The Linux desktop has gone nowhere and
> | Linux server sales have peaked, he claimed.
> | 
> | "Four years ago, people wrote that we'd be wiped out by Linux.

Straw man argument - no anal yists employed by micoshaft*
have yet claimed micoshaft will be wiped out by GNU/Linux.

*I'm thinking of computer illiterate  anal yists
like the Laura Dildos working for Yankee$ of this world.

> Four
> | years later, how are they doing? They're not gaining share.

Then why claim micoshaft is investing in new products or in SEC
filings point out Linux is a threat to their market share?

> Four years
> | ago, we were supposed to be wiped out.

Straw man argument - no anal yists employed by micoshaft*
have yet claimed micoshaft will be wiped out by GNU/Linux.

*I'm thinking of computer illiterate  anal yists
like the Laura Dildos working for Yankee$ of this world.

> We've not lost share to
> | them--maybe we're down a point--and that can almost be all accounted
> | for by the number of Linux servers Google's put in," Ballmer quipped.

Bloody Hell!  The fool is suffering from Munchausen's Syndrome.

> | 
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | One open source consultant dismissed Ballmer's contention, and said
> | Linux' momentum is not over.
> `----

I'd say its not even begun. Its only just reaching the tipping point.
The tens of thousands of applications and projects are just the tip 
of the millions still brewing to be released into products.

> http://www.crn.com/sections/breakingnews

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