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Re: relation between indexing and ranking

On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 04:57:25 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>You might find the following valuable:
>                http://www.tippy.co.uk/google-datacenter-check/
>Best wishes,

Just a quick post to let you know I've updated it to now test the
first datacenter in each C-Block.

The main run has always only done 10 DC's in total to keep load down
on the server (err, I mean stop Google throwing error/redirects back
at me).

The C-Block test at least checks one datacenter in each C-Block so you
can see if things are varying globally which I think is more use than
the standard test.

Darren Tipton - Remove the fruit to reply by mail
Google DC Checker: http://www.tippy.co.uk/google-datacenter-check/
Advanced PR Compare: http://www.tippy.co.uk/page-rank-compare/
Be an Advanced Driver: http://www.advanced-driving.co.uk/

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