__/ [ Linønut ] on Wednesday 22 March 2006 21:43 \__
> After takin' a swig o' grog, thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx belched out
> this bit o' wisdom:
>> They even mentioned during the interview that they have some
>> Linux projects heating up, so their might even be follow-on
>> opportunities there. I had a particularly interesting
>> conversation with their C# guy; it turns out he is running
>> Linux at home and has been really intrigued by the Mono
>> project. All-in-all, it sounds like a sufficiently geeky
>> environment that the project will be fun, even if my favorite
>> operating system is only just now getting a toe-hold there.
> The only thing is ... embedded XP? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
How do you patch embedded XP? *smirk*