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Re: IBM to Pay for Switch to Linux

__/ [ Tim Smith ] on Friday 31 March 2006 06:57 \__

> In article <e0id18$p6h$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> *  SCO  lawsuits against IBM. These are believed to be secretly funded  by
>> Microsoft,  who  apparently funnel money to SCO. IBM made a request for  a
>> subpoena  to  reveal  the relationship between the UNIX  company  and  Mi-
>> crosoft.  More  latterly, we came to discovered that SCO spend  about  100
>> times the amount they earn and yet they continue to exist and spread Linux
>> FUD through lawsuits. Need I mention that Microsoft bought some UNIX boxes
>> from SCO?
> Interesting that you don't mention Sun's financial support of SCO.

I *did* think about this when I wrote the paragraph. It would have probably
detracted from the argument, so I omitted that possibility.


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