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Re: [lists] [wp-hackers] Spam results

Someone already mentioned it, but I'm using my own plugin <http://elliottback.com/wp/archives/2004/11/29/spam-stopgap-extreme/>, which is a modification of your plugin Matt--it just shifts the md5 to the client side in javascript--and it's blocked all comment spam on my site from day 0. I'm not using anything else right now.

Kitten's spaminator was good, but too good. It tended to turn up false positives--which it then ate. At least, though, it emailed me about them....

Elliott C. Bäck

Matt Mullenweg wrote:

I'm curious what spam methods are working best for everyone? I see lots of comments people saying they're using something but not many saying what's working. Namely, what would be the best methods to roll in? Obviously something like captcha doesn't fit the WP philosophy, but some of the other approaches (scoring comments, better management of floods, auto-closing) I think could be very effective even when mass-deployed. Thoughts?

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