Cheers Moot.
I am sure it will help many.
"Moot" <> wrote in message">
> --- Kevin I Chapple <> wrote:
> > "Pray tell us, oh wise one, about the Open Palm Surgery"
> >
> > Enlighten us
> >
> > :-)
> >
> I used a very handy guide located here:
> >From some other people having the same problem with the T|T, it was
> determined that the connectors for the ribbon cable mentioned in step
> 10 were the most likely culprit. All I did was detach the cable, make
> sure the connector was clean, then reattach it. I also put some scotch
> tape over the bottom one and around the side of the unit to help hold
> it in place, just in case.
> Since then, it hasn't been perfect, but greatly improved. I used to
> have to recalibrate the digitizer every time I turned it on, but that
> has been reduced to about 1 recalibration per week or so. A
> significant improvement.
> A few words of warning:
> -Opening the unit will VOID your warranty, if it is still applicable.
> -To fully open the unit, you will need to disconnect the battery. This
> means all of your data will be lost (essentially the same as a hard
> reset), so remember to back it all up beforehand.
> As I said, I don't know what unit the original poster has, but if it is
> one of the T|T lines, this could be the problem. I have heard of other
> units also having the 'mad digitizer syndrome', and other supposed
> solutions, but of those I am unfamiliar. Hope that information helps
> someone, though,
> Moot