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Re: Why Search Engines Make All the Difference

Carol W wrote:

> On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 17:44:07 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:
>>> Carol W wrote:
>>> If the same person continues to lift/steal content then one can
>>>  consider legal avenues.
>>...Doesn't work with Blogspot unfortunately. Somebody I know barely even
>> received a response for the complaint when reporting that content had
>> been stolen as well as ALL SITE GRAPHICS HOTLINKED. HOTLINKED! Would you
>> believe
>>those bastards? They duplicated his Web site entirely on Blogspot/Blogger.
> Isn't Blogspot part of Google now?

No, that's Blogger. Google acquired them when they could no longer sustain
themeselves financially, not even with advertisements.

>> Syndication/feeds become the main form of readership to many. People
>> subscribe to content of interest and will not bother to check where the
>> content came from unless it is cited. It's navigation via subscription
>> (newsgroups and mailing lists for example) rather than (on-line) portals
>> and search engines.
> Plus other, but older, methods of site promotion can be used to help
> bring in traffic to the site without the people needing to go through
> Google or such to find it.

You are probably thinking about inbound links and bookmarks (among others
which I will neglect to mention for the sake of the argument).

Search engines are the means by which one gains links and listing in the
surfer's bookmarks. The more traffic one gets from search engines, the more
of everything will follow.

Search engines are the glue, the point of revelation. It is what makes the
difference between writing down my Web address on a piece of paper or just
let some remote machines crawl and then spew out my domain name at total
strangers. Last month alone, around 1600 people bookmarked a page in my
site (based on AWStats). I do not have 1600 friends to pull to my site

> Scaper sites ae generally created as quick content for affiliate/ad
> revenue money making ventures. So if the search engine does happen to
> drop the site from the index, the person can probably promote the site
> other ways and still make money through the lifted content being
> shared.

A difference worth noting is that scraper sites are very unlikely to ever be
bookmarked. Foolish search engines are their main hope.

> Search engines may help bring the majority of traffic to a site [1]
> but not the whole source either.

Not directly, but see my arguments above.

> Carol [2]
> [1] depending on what other methods of site promotion are employed to
> help lower search engine dependence.
> [2] Gosh, I missed posting and trading posts with folks - so good to
> be back, even in little spurts.

Yes. I was supposed to leave work an hour an a half ago. I can't stop, but
I'm loving it! It's great to expand those discussion, which have a healthy
nature as they increase awareness and stimulate the mind.


Roy S. Schestowitz

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