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Re: Ubuntu live CD?

__/ [Ron Hardin] on Monday 05 December 2005 16:17 \__

> What does the Ubuntu ``live CD'' do?
> On a Dell 2200 it seems to end with power on and blank screen
> and nothing happening, after a fairly spectacular and apparently
> functional sequence of screen events.

Is Ubuntu possibly having a problem with X. Perhaps it cannot bring up the
display? This would not explain the situation convincingly as no subsequent
activity should be expected.

> Much HD activity, which puzzles me.  Where is it writing?  If it's
> not writing, what is it reading?

It only writes to and reads from RAM as far as I know. With 128 MB of RAM,
for instance, the experience of a Ubuntu Live CD is quite miserable. With
256 MB of RAM it can be described as decent. Are you seeing the HD LED lit?

> I sort of expected something like Knoppix to happen.
> Windows XP still seems to be there and functioning after power off
> and power on.
> The ``install CD'' doesn't seem to have an option to shrink the XP
> partition, by the way.  Anyway I didn't stumble across it.  So
> there's noplace to install Ubuntu.

I could never find that option either, but I installed Ubuntu quite a while
back (work computer formerly owned by a collague). I have an old(er) version
of Ubuntu in mind, so things may have changed since. I tried the latest
Ubuntu Live CD about 4 days ago. It all worked fine apart from the poor
resolution it defaulted to.


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