John Bokma wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz <> wrote:
>> processors and send jobs to the printer. Like people who commit
>> suicide, killing bodies that had nothing wrong with them to begin
>> with,
> You talk very very lightly about suicide here, and probably hurt quite a
> lot of people with this statement.
> Maybe you have never suffered from a major depression. Most people who
> commit suicide have serious mental problems, a pain that others can't
> understand, and can't see, so in their simplistic views it just doesn't
> exists. Some try to walk the shoes of the person suffering, and because of
> them not getting the full picture, it's simple, just snap out of the
> problems, and hence they make the suffering of the person even harder,
> because he doesn't have a problem, he *is* the problem.
> Like not everybody is or can be an olympic swimmer due to limitations, not
> everybody can handle stress, mentally illness etc. the same way.
> Suicide is not a choice, it's being in a position when the person who
> wants to commit it is *convinced* there is no choice anymore.
> Finally, medication prescribed to "cure" depression is known to trigger
> suicidal feelings or make them much more stronger in (young) people
> (Google for SSRI and suicide). So how about that? Medicines prescribed
> have made people commit suicide...
You are quite right. I was hasty and reckless in making that tactless
comparison. I apologise to anyone who read this and got offended in one way
or another.
The point I was trying to make is that unfortunate, unnecessary losses take
place. There is a compromise of life (I will leave computers out of this
discussion, which makes it morbid) due to norms, perception and self-image
that is a misfit.
Roy S. Schestowitz