konjfuchie wrote:
> "Joe" <joe@nospam.ponkey.com> wrote in message
> news:Xns969EF10985273joeponkeycom@
>> Joe <joe@nospam.ponkey.com> wrote in
>> news:Xns969EF02ED15B1joeponkeycom@
>>> Hello all
>>> I'm new here and new to this whole web building experience.
>>> So I bought a domain name. Uploaded and few html's and all is good.
>>> Now I want a sub-domain. Web host says I have 3 available. Cool.
>>> so I created the su-domain name thru cpanel. now how or where do I
>>> upload html's so they are available to the web? Right now typing in
>>> the sub- address gets a 404. (But you probably already knew that)
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> JP
>> btw the method used was
>> www.domain.com then
>> www.sub-domain.domain.com
>> if it matters
> upload into sub-domain folder wich is created inside your
> "user/public_html" folder, so it probably is
> user/ public_html/sub-domain
> z
If you are more accustomed to FTP-based file management, then set up an FTP
account for that subsite (also in cPanel). Then, either you or somebody
else can get simplified access to that subdomain rather than going through
the extra 2 levels of directory structure, namely