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Re: Does It or Does It Not?

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 

> A  site  that does not gain inbound links is an island. Moreover,  a  site
> that  refuses to link to the 'outside world' is uninteresting, even if  it
> manages to get some inbound links.

Well I feel that true to some point. Why would you think because no one 
linked off the site would be uninteresting? Do you actually look at 
everyone's links? I think that if a site is good and has incoming links why 
do they need to put up links? Unless it is needed to show or make their own 
point better. If the site can stand alone then that is good.

> The  beauty  in a Web as in any social network is mutual  acknowledgement,
> recognition and offering of several possibilities to the reader/viewer. In
> a  Web site, this leaves the user to judge where he/she wants to go,  even
> if it means leaving the site.

If I like a site the only time I leave it is to go and search for more on 
Google. I rarely click on suggested links, but that is just me.


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