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Re: Banning pages from google, yahoo etc. - how???

__/ [Davémon] on Friday 28 October 2005 16:00 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [Peter Westh] on Friday 28 October 2005 12:52 \__
>>>How is it possible for someone to ban a web page, so that it is no longer
>>>indexed by search robots such as google and altavista?
>> Depends what you mean by "someone"? Does that someone happen to live in
>> Beverly Hills (California)?
>>>I know that you can do it with meta-tags, robots.txt and so on, if it is
>>>your own page - but how is it possible to stop search engines from
>>>indexing a page that you have no contol over?
>> Not unless you contact the search engine or the Webmaster (or go to the
>> datacentre and sabotage the server in question).
>>>I know it shouldn't be possible, but is it? and if so, how?
>>>I know that Google sometimes bans pages related to nazism, white
>>>supremacy, violent pro-life and so on, but that seems to be only the
>>>extreme cases. Or could money and/or powerful friends make a difference
>> __/ [Davémon] on Friday 28 October 2005 13:47 \__
>>>Google bans websites selling Nazi memorabilia from its German results,
>>>because it's illegal to advertise, buy or sell Nazi memorabilia in
>>>Google also censors websites about democracy and suppresses
>>>anti-government propaganda for China.
>> That's what we have recently heard about... The WordPress Codex is now
>> being blocked by the Chinese government on the face of it. WordPress is a
>> blogging tool, by the way.
> Eh, thats interesting, (I use Wordpress on my site) any links please?


Hope it helps,


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