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Re: Banning pages from google, yahoo etc. - how???

  • Subject: Re: Banning pages from google, yahoo etc. - how???
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 15:46:04 +0100
  • Newsgroups: alt.internet.search-engines
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <43621114$0$192$edfadb0f@dread11.news.tele.dk> <e9af7$43621dd0$504427df$10771@datanet.co.uk> <436235b0$0$189$edfadb0f@dread11.news.tele.dk>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [Peter Westh] on Friday 28 October 2005 12:52 \__

> How is it possible for someone to ban a web page, so that it is no longer
> indexed by search robots such as google and altavista?

Depends what you mean by "someone"? Does that someone happen to live in
Beverly Hills (California)?

> I know that you can do it with meta-tags, robots.txt and so on, if it is
> your own page - but how is it possible to stop search engines from indexing
> a page that you have no contol over?

Not unless you contact the search engine or the Webmaster (or go to the
datacentre and sabotage the server in question).

> I know it shouldn't be possible, but is it? and if so, how?
> I know that Google sometimes bans pages related to nazism, white supremacy,
> violent pro-life and so on, but that seems to be only the extreme cases. Or
> could money and/or powerful friends make a difference here?

__/ [Davémon] on Friday 28 October 2005 13:47 \__

> Google bans websites selling Nazi memorabilia from its German results,
> because it's illegal to advertise, buy or sell Nazi memorabilia in Germany.
> Google also censors websites about democracy and suppresses
> anti-government propaganda for China.

That's what we have recently heard about... The WordPress Codex is now being
blocked by the Chinese government on the face of it. WordPress is a blogging
tool, by the way.

> As far as I know they don't ban white supremacy or pro-life, and
> generally don't ban websites unless not doing so denies them a huge
> market, like China. But if you've got evidence to the contrary I'd
> really like to see it.

Me too.

> It's more likely you're suffering from the latest update, or perhaps
> 'sandboxing' (if that actually exists ;-)).

__/ [Peter Westh] on Friday 28 October 2005 15:29 \__

> I thought so as well. However, the page has been on the web since 1998, so
> I guess sandboxing is out of the question.

I don't think it exists. There are pages that would suggest, at least as far
as PageRank is  concerned,  that this notion should  be discarded altogether
(at least for the time being).

> Then there's Google updates. As I understand it, these could change the
> ranking of a page. But in this case, the page simply does not show up in
> any search, however narrow.

How did you test for this (see below)?

> The page in question is
> http://www.stud.hum.ku.dk/tabu/aarg11/98sep/side9.htm - you won't be able
> to read it, unless you know Danish.

That should not make a difference whatsoever. It may, however, rank you be-
tter in Google Denmark than in google.com, for instance.

> It's a small article on a new age sect, and it mentions one of it's leaders
> by name. Recently, he has become a fairly successfull business coach, and
> he has tried to get me to remove his name from the page in various ways,
> without success. Until a few days ago, if you searched for his name on
> Google, the page would
> appear as no. 4 or 5 on the first result page. Now suddenly, as I said, it
> seemingly isn't indexed at all.

That must be the effect of Jagger. See some of the recent posts on  Google
updates. Having said that, how did you check for existence in the indices?


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