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Re: Windows Loophole Spawns Zombies Which Attack the Web

__/ [DFS] on Monday 31 October 2005 02:52 \__

> Tim Smith wrote:
>> In article <slrndm9h08.3q1.sinister@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>  Sinister Midget <sinister@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I'm in favor or laws requiring ISPs to disconnect machines that are
>>> demonstrated, beyond a doubt, to be spambots or zombies. Nothing will
>>> work to make people change their habits (and perhaps software) faster
>>> than cutting their connections to the world.
> I agree, as long as the ISP's also disconnect any *nix sendmail servers
> that forward viruses and spam.

Where does that spam originate from? Don't answer, it's rhetorical.

>> Did you make a mistake?  There are no childish misspellings in that
>> paragraph.
> He's tired.

To descend so low and spot typos rather than argue or provide a critique --
that comes to show that you silently agree.


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