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Re: Suing Google for non-payment of AdSense commissions

__/ [Juan Jimenez] on Saturday 17 September 2005 20:23 \__

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:dghgig$1rag$2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> The checks can be slow at times. Just be patient. It once took nearly a
>> month, so E-mails intending to urge were a total waste of time. Speaking
>> of
>> time drain, that's what a lawyer would typically do, if not drain your
>> pocket too.
> It's been six months and not a cent has been received.

How long since a payment was issued? The reports would indicate this (under
Account Information or Summary). It takes up to 30 days after an
accumulation of $100 for payments to be authorised.

>> It seems to me you just fancy the idea of "suing an information God". I
>> say
>> this as a friend, not a foe.
> It seems to me that you should refrain from psychoanalizing people you've
> never met but for a single usenet posting. Just a suggestion.

I was merely being humorous. I even added a sentence solely for the puspose
of clarification. Text is not vocal, which makes it ambiguous.

__/ [Juan Jimenez] added on Sunday 18 September 2005 00:46 \__

> "Allis" <allis@allis> wrote in message
> news:ofidna8XoOyA87HenZ2dnUVZ_tOdnZ2d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> It seems to me that you should refrain from psychoanalizing people
>>> you've never met but for a single usenet posting. Just a suggestion.
>> Ahh, but your single posting said sooooo much.
> If you have an answer to my query, my email is in the original message.
> Otherwise, don't waste my time. I realize most simple-minded people think
> lawsuit = money. This is not just about money.

I am coming to realise that you have wasted /our/ time. This is by all means
not appreciated.


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Microsof(fshore)t Window(ntime)s Vista(gnating)
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux    |     PGP-Key: 74572E8E
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