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Re: Linux is for... work?

  • Subject: Re: Linux is for... work?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 02:01:48 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <NG33g.8369$t61.5617@bignews6.bellsouth.net> <444d55de$1@dnews.tpgi.com.au> <ik40i3-538.ln1@sirius.tg00suus7038.net>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Tuesday 25 April 2006 01:00 \__

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Chris Wilkinson
> <blobster@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>  wrote
> on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 08:51:29 +1000
> <444d55de$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi there,
>> DFS wrote:
>>> http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=110016492&size=m
>>> A card game, a radio stream playing, a Gimp session, an Xgl script being
>>> edited, and 5 transparent windows rendering the system almost unreadable.
>>> Linux: for when you get tired of real work
>> So this single screenshot represents all Linux has to offer huh?
>> We're you any less intelligent you'd have to be dead...
>> Pathetic...
> Don't be too hard on DFS.  No doubt he is still working
> on how to get his advance copy of Windows Vista. :-)
> (Not to mention hardware running it. :-) )
> Personally, I am not at all sure how best to show Linux.  Is it:
> - the X screenshots showing a fairly straightforward but not all that
>   exciting desktop?
> - the X screenshots showing that desktop remotely?
> - the ability to remote login using SSH?
> - the ability to remote login using SSH and open X windows in
>   one's local server from the remote box?
> - the ability to remote login using SSH and use XNest to largely
>   clone the functionality of rdesktop or VNC?
> - copy and paste using nothing but mouse buttons (no menus, either)?
> - the results of running 'uptime', showing more than a year in
>   many cases?
> - the results of running UML, dosemu, or VmWare?  UML in particular
>   eventually pops up 6 xterms, with 'login: ' prompts.  Exciting?
>   Probably not.
> - UT2004?  (Runs very well on Linux.  I can't tell the diff, except
>   maybe in frame rate.)
> - Nexuiz?  (Strange but very playable freeware 3D shootemup.  Runs
>   on both platforms.)
> - Crystal Space?  (3D game platform which runs on both platforms.)
> - Various Xgl demos, which I consider useless but show off Xgl
>   very well?
> - loadable modules?  The best one might hope for here is another
>   prompt from the shell.  The excitement comes later.
> - NFS, AFS, or CIFS/SMB remote host mounts?
> - /proc?
> - network packet traces showing Linux totally ignoring incoming
>   virus attacks?
> - an open email window showing a known virus-laden message safely?
> - an open browser window showing a known virus-laden webpage safely?
> - an open browser window showing streaming video?
> - OpenOffice loading Excel, Word, or Powerpoint files?
> - OpenOffice *saving* Excel, Word, or Powerpoint files?
> - an X screensaver showing various crash emulations, including
>   an Amiga GURU, the Mac bomb, and the infamous Blue Screen?
> - IBM commercials of a rather strange basketball game?
> - something totally different?
> Transparent windows aren't that exciting to me, though they're nice.

I really like your list, which in its own right is a 'shopping list' acting
as a power features list. Just remember that to Joe Average, who might be
considering Ubuntu (Linux for Human Beings), the most digestable
presentation and case study will be visual. It requires no verbal
explanation or annotation. Also, it is very memorable.

SSH with X is something that has been around for so many years. Its novelty 
probably worn out, at least in some users' minds. That said, not all
platforms can achieve the same thing, yet. An embarrassment if you ask me,
which is the result of bad separation between user-facing modules and
underlying processes.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Yes, I know, but does it run Linux?"
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