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Re: Linux May Hit Single Digit Desktop Marketshare in 5 Years!!!

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Postmaster <postmaster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>    In 5 years:
>    The computer will be an embedded device, the
>    screen will either be projected, or a polymer, the keyboard
>    will be projected with motion sensing, as well as the mouse,
>    or other motion devices. The systems will consume far
>    less power, and generate far less heat, while continuing
>    Moore's law.
>    Portables will become Wearables, and displays will become
>    direct retinal imaging devices.
>    Floor units will become a novelty at the Smithsonian, next
>    to the magnetic core memory display.
>    Identity theft will no longer make the news, as there will
>    be no one left that has not had their identity stolen.
>    The U.S. will still be in Iraq and Afghanistan.
>    The gas prices will float around $8 a gallon.
>    Roe-vs-Wade will be over-turned by Bush puppets,
>    along with the return of prayer in public schools.
>    Ford and GM will STILL be trying to sell gas hogging SUVs
>    with macho commercials. Toyota and Honda will capture
>    the majority of the U.S. auto market.
>    U.S. Companies will have outsourced every last job possible,
>    reducing the median income for the vast majority of  U.S. citizens,
>    which will compete with the increasing Mexican influx of
>    workers for low income jobs. (See: Wal-Mart for openings )
>    Microsoft Windows Vista release will still be on
>    the skids, and still be unstable, un-reliable, insecure,
>    riddled with bugs, and generating billions of dollars
>    of income for the Gates family.

Your ability to take existing trends and project that the future
will be the same only more so qualifies you for a job as an analyst
at Gartner Group.  >:)


P.S. It is my expectation and hope that within five years the
American car manufacturers will actually have a decent selection
of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles and the Iraq fiasco will
be over.  MS will have has shipped something called Vista by
then... even if they have to relabel a bunch of Windows XP boxes.

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?

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