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Re: Why the criticism of Roy's [News] articles?

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Mathew P. wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 2006-08-25, Kelsey Bjarnason spake thusly:
>>> [snips]
>>> On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 19:20:05 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
>>>>> If you don't want to see/read these articles then don't.  Don't try to
>>>>> police the newsgroup.
>>>> I'm not : I'm suggesting, as others have, that the colume of posts is
>>>> ridiculous and is better handled as a digest.
>>> Others.  Yes.  Indeed.  Haven't they *universally* been Wintrolls?  Good
>>> company you keep.
>> No, Kelsey, they haven't.
> I am not aware of anyone except trolls who would like a digest
> Even those linux advocatesd who dislike the news-posts (like me) don't want
> a digest. And since so many cretins like flatfish and Erik F do not like
> the effect of these posts from Roy, I must say he should even *increase*
> the volume
> They are certainly on-topic

Absolutely they are, yes.  Unlike much of the material which is posted
here.  In fact, as newsgroups go, this probably has one of the best s/n
ratios of any advocacy group in history presently, due to the great work
of Roy S and others.

If anyone doesn't like it, they can use a filter, Roy has been kind
enough to mark each subject line in such a way that killfiling is
triviality itself.

Perhaps, if anyone wants a digest, it could be posted weekly or daily,
as a sum-up of all the [NEWS] postings?  That way, those that want a
digest could have one, and those of us (me included) who want the
articles posted individually so that we can use our newsreaders to
select what to respond to, can do so.

Clearly, a digest format alone would prevent the creation of threads
based on the articles themselves, which I suspect might be one reason
why the trolls would like to see them go.

>>> Don't like the posts?  Use a filter.  It's not rocket science.  Cope.
>> Don't be condescending.
> Well, it *is* simple to use a filter. But that is something the widiots
> don't want to do (or are mentally unable to do, being so extremely stupid)

Or perhaps use a newsreader which is of poor quality, such as Outlook?

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
Your reasoning powers are good, and you are a fairly good planner.

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