Mathew P. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2006-08-25, Kelsey Bjarnason spake thusly:
>> [snips]
>> On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 19:20:05 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
>>>> If you don't want to see/read these articles then don't. Don't try to
>>>> police the newsgroup.
>>> I'm not : I'm suggesting, as others have, that the colume of posts is
>>> ridiculous and is better handled as a digest.
>> Others. Yes. Indeed. Haven't they *universally* been Wintrolls? Good
>> company you keep.
> No, Kelsey, they haven't.
I am not aware of anyone except trolls who would like a digest
Even those linux advocatesd who dislike the news-posts (like me) don't want
a digest. And since so many cretins like flatfish and Erik F do not like
the effect of these posts from Roy, I must say he should even *increase*
the volume
They are certainly on-topic
>> Don't like the posts? Use a filter. It's not rocket science. Cope.
> Don't be condescending.
Well, it *is* simple to use a filter. But that is something the widiots
don't want to do (or are mentally unable to do, being so extremely stupid)
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