flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 15:05:04 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
>> William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> This message was posted on Usenet, NOT JLAforums, & on Thu, 24 Aug 2006
>>> 12:10:54 -0500, Linonut wrote:
>>>> After takin' a swig o' grog, flatfish+++ belched out this bit o' wisdom:
>>>>> On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 17:01:22 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
>>>>>> Worse news which you may have missed : since being asked nicely to
>>>>>> desist from spamming the group with up to 300 "news posts" a day
>>>>>> (easily available elsewhere) and to post a digest, Roy's fan club (two
>>>>>> of them) have jumped to his defense and, wait for it, started posting
>>>>>> news articles too!!! nessuno hasnt even the decency to prefix the posts
>>>>>> with a [news] tag to enable us to selectively filer this repeated tripe
>>>>>> which is freely available at online Linux sites.
>>>>> It's hysterical!
>>>>> They are sabotaging their own group and don't even realize it! Hey I
>>>>> don't give a hoot, I have the COLA gang scored way down.
>>>> Whoop de doo.
>>>> How you characterize Roy's collection efforts is up to you.
>>> Flatfarce may "have the COLA gang scored way down" but I've blocked him,
>>> & Quack, completely.
>>> I find it amusing that they label some linux users as "linux zealots",
>>> when a similar label could be applied to them (especially flatso) as
>>> "Windows zealots".
>> Which, of course, makes you look like a total fucking idiot because we
>> both use Linux where we can. Do try and keep up.
> Poaster is the empty suit of COLA.
> He's constantly babbling about who he has kill filed, but he never seems
> to miss an opportunity to reply to a thread third party.
> Me a Windows zealot?
> Hardly.
> The only thing I use Windows for is my digital audio work.
> Everything else is Linux.
> But, they prefer to lie rather than face the truth that I am more of a
> Linux advocate than most of them.
> However, I am also not a mindless drone that has drunk the KoolAid and
> sings the Linux theme song (We Shall Overcome).
> I tell it like it is and that bothers some people.
> Take a look at the google earth thread.
> How can ANYONE reasonable believe that new Linux users, or just Linux
> users (secretaries etc) will know how to change permissions, execute shell
> scripts etc.
> Yet, look at how the rabid zealots are ganging up on me.
> They will defend the mother ship to the end of the earth.
> It's very funny to watch.
> Now if it was me, I would just say yea, it is less than optimal and google
> should at least provide detailed instructions on the Web so you know what
> to do BEFORE you download a file you don't have a clue as how to install.
> But see, they can't do that.
> They are not wired to see faults in Linux.
In an earlier run of the same, didnt Rick or someone suggest that anyone
who was too "fucking stupid to do some research and learn about
permissions" had no right even running google earth? Now *that* knocked
me for six because, you see, he meant it. Before we know it, some of
them will be suggesting that GUI Desktops are the work of the devil and
that "bash" is "enough for their needs". Strange bunch. This after Roy
getting a woody because (GRIN) he has 32 virtual desktops. Snigger.
> Very weird.