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Re: [News] Who Owns Your Data/Media? Another Reason to Install Linux

"Mark Kent" <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:g28tr3-eo4.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
begin  oe_protect.scr
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:

Nintendo's Wii is Linux based as well. And analysts predict it will be the
biggest winners of all. It is the least expensive.

I'm not convinced about that, as it appears that Nintendo are going to lock it down very hard indeed. This is not really a next-generation approach like GP2X, N770, PS3; this is merely linux used in a traditional locked-down box. Of course, it could be possible to get another round of lock-in out of an unsuspecting customer base?

Of course, it depends on the crowd you hang out with, but I suspect that the majority of people who buy a Wii won't actually be interested in tinkering with homebrew software. I only have 1 sample point, but 100% of the people personally I know who bought a GP2X isn't planning on developing homebrew software for it, and the GP2X is pretty much dedicated entirely to the homebrew community. It's like how a lot more people are interested in listening to music than producing it, or reading novels than writing them.

I'm sure there will be some people out there who will buy the PS3 specifically because they plan on developing software for it. However, I don't think they represent a large enough segment of the market to strongly influence who the financial winner of the three companies will end up being.

- Oliver

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