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Re: [News] Proprietary Software: "Own the Standard, Own the Customer"

"Ray Ingles" <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> On 2006-08-22, billwg <billwg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> "Find a need and fill it" is the age-old advice, roy!  If that means 
>> setting
>> a new standard as a lone supplier, so be it.
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/e4b3136c7101cab2
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/baa843958b334a79
You keep citing yourself as some kind of authority, ray, but it isn't 
working.  It is difficult to see the point that you are failing to make.

Microsoft used NetBEUI for a period of time where users were interested in 
small local networks within a workgroup.  Works well for that purpose with 
minimal hardware.  TCP/IP and conventional Ethernet was pretty expensive 
back then.  WFW was a real hit and started Novell's long slide into 
oblivion. Presumably your inference is that it is no longer very populare 
and therefore MS made a mistake, but you are being silly.  NetBEUI fit the 
needs of the times and it was simple enough to add TCP/IP once the need 
evolved.  It's all timing, ray, and linux is doomed because all it can do is 
react to trends created elsewhere.  It will never lead and always follow. 

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