Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ gnohmon ] on Tuesday 22 August 2006 05:33 \__
> On a relative scale, that's just nothing. It's a local issue of security, as
> well as privacy. Come to consider remote susceptibilities to invasion.
> Whenever you boot Windows, your location (with timestamp and some other
> identifying details) is being recorded on some servers in Redmond. This has
> gone on for a decade. I suspect it's done less frequently now, due to heavy
> criticism, but now there is WGA, which goes beyond this and even probes your
> hardware.
You mean whenever I connect it to the internet, not whenever I boot.
Whenever I connect, I get messages that ntoskernel.exe has been blocked
from accessing the internet. I see no valid reason why a "kernel"
should access the net (Yes, I'm a unix guy, since 1982), so I blocked
it without knowing what it was trying to do (it is probably trying to
do what you just mentioned.)
> To make matters worse, IE7 will be forcefed (Windows XP and Vista). IE7 sends
> Redmond a lit of all the Web pages you visit. And Microsoft openly permits
> government access to this data, shall the US Government require it.
I don't use IE. Before I retired, I sometimes had to use it to access
the corporate home page, but even there I never drove IE on the open
highway outside the firewall; just drove it around the driveways inside
the corporate mansion's barbed-wire fence, as it were.
I think that the government should have its own ways of knowing what
web pages people visit, rather than depending on a biased and
unreliable source that the g'ment has already tried to prosecute. You
apparently think that the g'ment shouldn't know what you do, even
though every marketer from here to Wichita does know. Be more
I hypothesize that anonymity can be achieved in any case with a bit of
trouble. I assume that there are open anonymous encrypted proxies out
there, just as with remailers, and you can go through a chain of
several to get to your favorite subversive porn sites (_Condy Does
Dallas_?) with a bit of lag of course as they randomize the order of
packets sent. The fact that you use such a proxy will be known, and
this will put you on a list of ppl to be watched -- just like
You could use a different internet cafe every day. You could move to a
free country if you can find one. You could wake up to the fact that
the internet never was anonymous nor ephemeral and conduct your secret
business via secret meetings on dark streetcorners.
"The whole world is watching".