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Re: [News] 2006 Marked the Turning Point for Linux

  • Subject: Re: [News] 2006 Marked the Turning Point for Linux
  • From: Jag Chan <rup@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 20 Dec 2006 02:17:50 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Your Company
  • References: <2178144.kbDdqY5dlB@schestowitz.com> <13u4ndekljutl.dlg@funkenbusch.com> <pan.2006.> <52wxgwffkkhm$.dlg@funkenbusch.com> <82im54-49u.ln1@clark.harry.net>
  • User-agent: Xnews/5.04.25
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:471123
Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in

> On 2006-12-20, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted
> something concerning: 
>> On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 23:55:56 +0000, Kier wrote:
>>> On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 17:18:36 -0600, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>>>> I notice you didn't quote this part:
>>>> "While these were the major Linux stories of 2006, as I look back
>>>> at the year as a whole, I sense that all this plays into a larger
>>>> story: there are growing signs that the Linux community itself is
>>>> forking." 
>>>> I'd say the Linux community is beginning to eat itself from the
>>>> inside out. 
>>> I'd say you are full of shit.
>>> Care to explain exactly what it is you mean by this remark?
>> Boycotting Novell, GPL3 feuds, Proprietary driver feuds,
>> "TiVoization" feuds (never mind that the TiVo has probably done more
>> to enhance embedded linux's image than anything else), XGL vs AIGLX,
>> Compiz vs Beryl, there always has to be a war between two (or more)
>> "standards" with Linux.... 
> Open discussions/arguments/disagreements are healthy. They encourage
> debate, force improvements where needed, help to foster trust once
> everything's all said and done, etc.
> Using a top-down-only method nearly always ends in a mess. Take MS for
> example.
> But I also noticed you sidestepped the part *you* failed to quote.
> Probably because you didn't see it. Here it is again:
>    But, at the same time, Linux is going to grow to new heights in
>    popularity both for individual and business users. 
> It was in the same paragraph you quoted from, so it should be easy
> enough to find.

For God's sake Eric answer why you were guilty of same fault of which you 
accused Roy.

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