begin risky.vbs
"Ian Semmel" <anyoneNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On 12/12/06, 76 of 86 topics posted came from this character.
> [snip wintroll whining]
> Put a sock in it, Schestowitz.
Yet all his news posts have a [News] tag in the subject line which you
can kill on! With a decent news reader you can kill all followups as
weill if it pisses you off so much.
What is your problem? Don't like his posts then don't read them. Why
is it predominately wintrolls who complain about Roy's posts?
One thing is clear Ian, the perpetual whining from you and other
wintrolls only makes it clear to Roy that he's doing a grand job from
a Linux advocacy point of view.
Keep it up Roy. The wintrolls hate it which proves what you are doing
is a good thing. :-)
I've asked time and time again for people to prove that I primarily spout
FUD. - Funkenbusch (COLA's comedian), Sat, 2 Dec 2006