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Re: Use Windows, get robbed

__/ [Richard Rasker] on Wednesday 08 February 2006 14:11 \__

[DISCLAIMER: This is one of my more juvenile posts]

> Russian criminals have plundered French bank accounts for a grand total
> of 1 million euros by means of innovative Windows software:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/france/story/0,,1703777,00.html

[the infamous Slashdot subculture:] In Soviet Russia, people rob Windows...

> "[A French security expert] said the best way to beat pirates was to use
>  up-to-date anti-virus software."

The best way to beat people is to infect pirates with a virus.

> Huh? I haven't used any anti-virus software for the past eight years, yet
> never had a security problem. I must be doing something wrong.

Of course. You don't run a banking system.

> And oh yeah, M$ wants you to pay them $50 per year for plugging the holes
> in the crapware they sold you earlier on, in a program appropriately
> called Wanker, or something similar.

OneCare Live. Sigmund! It's allllive....

> Ah well ... Windows: the OS for masochists who like being conned and
> robbed.
> Richard Rasker

Windows - the O/S that makes you anxious about your bank account... [Midget]


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